Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday Art - Sakizou/早紀蔵

So while we were in Japan, we actually didn't have time to go the the DesignWeek art shows (except Detour at the MoMA shop). It was unfortunate, but there was just too much to see, too little time, and my body wasn't up to the task of walking all day for 9 days straight (in other words, I totally pooped-out at the end of each day).

However, great art and design were all around us. While we were exploring the towering Toranoana in Akihabara, I noticed some art books on the Doujinshi floor... ah, and they were all gorgeous. But one in particular, Favorite March, caught my eye. But 1500円 for a very slim, plastic-wrapped volume made me wince. However, I decided to splurge, and I'm glad I did.

Favorite March just happened to be the latest collection of paintings by artist 早紀蔵 (Sakizou). Each painting is insanely detailed -- they are luxurious and just outright gorgeous. Each one feels like the window into some sumptuous fantasy world, with Victorian elements abounding, and indulgent, meticulously drawn fashions. I would love to have Afternoon Tea, where each page has a girl modeled after a tea/drink (see the Coffee picture on this post) or Girl Meets Sweets where all the fashions are desserts. :D

You can get a "taste" of his work over at the Doujinshi Database or at Sakizou's website.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I have searched wide and long for that one damn cofee pic -to no result.Please, please, could you post it bigger?