Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear Epson, Please Step Up Your Game

So we got a new Epson printer recently at my work. It is solely to be used for transparency positives for screen-printing - the Epson Stylus 1400. And really, it is lovely, no complaints there.

Well, now we're apparently on their solicitation list, and we received an advertisement from them today.
Wow, stock background + stock a-rainbow-just-exploded-in-here vector + WOWUGLY font. Sorry about the glare, need another taste? The same font is used on the interior panels!

I guess that font is supposed to be "creative"? It is just so terrible... You can do better, Epson (or design company contracted by Epson)!

And another fail - the impossibly small QR codes on Epson ink cartridges for this printer. Smaller than a fingernail... I spent nearly 10 minutes trying to get my phone to "capture" the code before giving up.

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